Solo flight with a toddler, what could go wrong?

I just booked a last-minute flight to DC for BB and me. A friend will be waiting there with her car and a car seat. So as far as baby gear goes, I can travel “light.”  I want to go carry-on only and the internet is not helping me.

I google “pull a rolling suitcase and push a stroller.” I’m hoping to find a helpful how-to video, no luck. Someone did ask a similar question and got this response:

“I suggest you find a different piece of luggage to transport your belongings. It doesn’t meet your needs if you have to ask this question.”

I practice in my driveway with an empty stroller and an empty suitcase. Super easy!! Yes I realize that my driveway trial will have no resemblance to departure day with a 30 pound toddler and however much our allotted liquid amount in fruit pouches weighs.

We would definitely be able to travel light not in quotes if it weren’t for the fact that I’m taking BB’s sleeping bag. It’s a big, hairy bunny bag. Its selling point was not based on how tiny it compresses.

I’m nervous about juggling luggage and a small person. Everyone has asked if I’m nervous about the flight. Not really. It’s less than 2 hours. Our iPad is up to the challenge. And whoever our seat mate is is welcome to share the giant bag of chocolate animal crackers I just bought.

As a child I was always desperate for a window seat, but as an adult I prefer the aisle. I like to go to the bathroom. Without thinking I select an aisle and middle seat.

Captain and I are chatting about the flight. He says,

“BB will like looking out the window, don’t you think?”



“Of course I need a window seat for her! What was I thinking?” I modify our reservation ASAP. Window seats both ways. Phew.

So maybe this is the start of a lifetime of travel together or maybe I’m never flying solo with BB ever again. I will let you know.


7-year-old me privileged enough to be going to Disney World and pissed I didn’t get a window seat. Yes, I used this photo the last time we flew with BB, but it’s a classic